Saturday, October 1, 2011

Changes in our Curriculum

It figures, now that I was getting a hang of mixing my own ideas with The Creative Curriculum, the school changes things around.

Now we have to make our weekly lesson plans based on The Creative Curriculum Assessment book and a book called Active Learning for twos which have a whole different concept.

Since my kids are only 2 y. olds is based more on hands on materials and understanding life skills rather than academics. I have to choose one outside activity (OA) and one inside activity per day (IA).

We are still going to incorporate a Bible Curriculum so that part is great! It is up to me what we do with the kids as long as is simple and age appropriate , of course :-)

So here is an example of my lesson plan for next week: Oct 3rd to Oct 7th


IA: Pocketbook counting (numbers)
OA: Animal Sounds (nature)


IA: Drop it, dump it out (small muscles)
OA: Taking baby for a ride (dramatic play)


IA: Sticker designs (art)
OA: Point to body parts song (music)


IA:Opposites (books and pictures)
OA: Building a road (block play)


IA: Exercise together (large muscles)
OA: Follow directions for fun (conversation skills)

I'll be taking pictures of our daily activities and posting them at the end of the week or the weekend.
I will also give details of how the lesson is taught.

Also I'll be incorporating Bible lessons and songs through the week which also will be explained.

Thanks for reading my blog :)


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