Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Letter O

Since the last letter of the alphabet was shared by me
was letter Nn
here are some fun stuff for our
little ones with letter Oo
Here when they color all the Oo's
they'll discover an Octopus,
this kind of worksheet helps them
get used to the shape of the letter
with repetition :)

This next one is a fun slider
that works on their phonics
and teaches them what words start with Oo
Olives = olivas
Onions = cebolla
Oven = horno
Octopus = pulpo

Oo for Owl
buho (click to hear pronunciation)
this is a fun puppet to glue
onto a paper bag :)

I try to always make my daughter
practice her letter writing

And here is another worksheet
for practice which direction to start
forming the letter Oo
and a little coloring page


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  1. Looks like some great activities!

  2. I love your blog! Thanks for following mine. God bless, kathy


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